Professional Communication

Professional Communication

Spring 2020

I took Professional Communication to satisfy the final English requirements for my undergrad, but the course offered so much more than just the credits I needed. Throughout the semester, I was introduced to the field of technical communication and explored humanistic tilted approaches to content creation.


The class also focused on usability and accessibility considerations, so I had the chance to assess and improve these aspects through course projects. One assignment involved analyzing the usability of any tool of your choice. Naturally, I chose Adobe Creative Cloud because it is relevant to my major and experience. Check out my presentation…

Usability Report Presentation


I also incorporated concepts and skills I learned during the course into the brand style guide I created for aha Pure Foods (during an internship with the company) as part of a “community collaboration” project. Click the link below to learn more about the creation process.


Overall, I enjoyed the course, and I gained a more consumer-centered perspective on design. I have a much better grasp on making documents and web pages accessible, I even more inclined to consider different viewers’ perspectives when creating content, and I look forward to using my professional communication skills in the future.

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